Article 3 Volume 7 August 22, 2017
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
In the morning session a presentation was made by Rev. Dr. R. Neal Siler, Pastor of First Shiloh Baptist Church, Mechanicville, VA. The subject:
Part l: "What Should a 21st Century Association Look Like?"
Rev Siler was well prepared for the presentation.
Emphasis was put on organizations having a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) manual so that actions taken on church or organization matters can have a reference as to the cause or purpose of the actions.
Too often things are done with no point of reference as to why or how or by what authority.
In many cases church officers and members do not have a documented policy or procedure explaining their action.
Take away: Have written policies and procedures.
The Women Ministry
Deaconess Regina Crawley announced that 5 scholarships in the amount of $1,000 were awarded to 5 students.
** comment pending
Sister Marian Hines was the facilitator.
Sister Emma Nickens, President of this ministry, gave her annual address.
They presented gifts to two persons. Sister Virginia Bradby was one of the recipients.
Baptist Center Board
Rev. Sam Barnhardt gave a report on the many things that his group have done to improve the Baptist Center.
He requested that each church contribute $1,000 for the improvement of the Baptist Center.
Afternoon Session 8/22/2017
Reports were presented by some of the committees.
The Committee on Constitution & ByLaws will present their report at the One Day Session next Spring.
**More information will be added later.
Business Discussion
Lot of discussion.
Installation of Officers
Rev. Darrell K. White was elected to serve a third term (one year) as Moderator.
About 25 to 30 persons were installed to a variety of positions.
***My comments will be presented later.
Copyright 2017 Grady E. Bryant, Sr.