Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Trouble in Water looms for many churches: Season for gifts and preparation of budgets

Article 4 volume 6                                                                                December 23, 2015

Too Many churches are ignorant or just don't care when it comes to obeying IRS Church Laws

Monetary Gifts to adults and students

For students, the gifts may range from $25 to $5000.  It all depends on the reason for the gift.

A gift of $25 to $50 sounds okay.  Anything more than that should be based on a documented need. If the need is more than $100, we recommend that the funds come from the Missionary Account.
Also, the students should be given an IRS form 1099.  Many churches believe it is not necessary because the gift is under $600.  That is a false assumption.

Stipends to employees or anybody should be treated as taxable income.

Monetary Gifts to Staff and Others

Gifts are okay. But if the person is working as an employee, he/she should be paid an annual salary and given an IRS W-2 form.
These gifts are often called stipend and no 1099 or W-2 forms are given.

Will your pastor be shortchanged on his or her income?

Far too many churches are shortchanging their pastors in salary and parsonage allowances.  Based on a recent survey about 80% of the pastors payments and allowances are incorrect.

Many churches do not know that: the parsonage allowance has to be approved and recorded in the church official records before the beginning of the year that it will be effective; pastors who own their homes are eligible for parsonage allowance; pastors who receive 1099's for their service may be ineligible for health care and retirement benefits and pastors can save $5,000 or more on their tax returns, legally if their income and deductions are prepared properly. Much more!


Will your church prepare a valid budget?  A budget consists of projected income and expenditures for the coming year.  A document that only list projected expenditures cannot be considered a budget. Likewise, a document that only list projected income cannot be considered a budget. Both must be combined to form a budget document.

Let's celebrate the Birth of Christ, we will talk business later.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

              Copyright 2015. Grady E. Bryant, Sr.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Free church announcements for Baptist churches from July 1, 2015 thru August 31, 2015

Article 1 Volume 5


Do you ever wonder where a church service is going on in the afternoon. So, you decide to ride around and find a church door open for afternoon service.  After about four stops you go back home.  Well, I have experienced it.

Of course, we are still behind time in getting notices out.

Churches send e-mail and letters to each other, but if the clerk decides not to read the announcement or your church is not informed or you are absent when the notice is read, then you just miss out.

Anyway, to cut the chase, I will be offering baptist churches an opportunity to post their announcements on this blog site for the months of July and August 2015** for free.

The announcement will not exceed five lines.  The message will be short.  My intent, is to just let folks know what is going on. 

You must follow this format:

Name of Church ___________________________

Address (city)   ____________________________

Event                _____________________________

Date                ______________________________

Time               ______________________________

Following is a sample:

Name:               Women Aux NVBA, INC
Address:           Gainesville, VA
Event:               Sun School teachers recognition
Date:                  August 22, 2015
Time:                12:00 p.m.
Contact:           Linda Moody 703-568-3152

The announcements are not going to be dealing with admission and what to wear.  The intent is to just let the public know something is going on.

You may send your ads to the following e-mail address:

The announcements will be published on this website:

or: (a separate site)

or you can reach this site on google: Northern Virginia Baptist.grady bryant

My door is open.
**The publisher retains the right to terminate, charge a fee, or continue the service after July 31, 2015
The notices should be sent by Wednesday night before a Sunday event or four days in advance.
 Copyright 2015. Grady E. Bryant, Sr.

Rev. Norman W. Smith, Sr., former moderator, Northern Virginia Baptist Association, passed away on November 6, 2017

Article 4 Volume 7                                                           Rev. Norman W. Smith, Sr.   Rev. Norman W. Smith of Gaines...